This project is inspired by ‘Trash’. We are currently facing a huge problem world wide, far too much trash being generated, more than we can handle. Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste on the planet. If all this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times. 

      Inspired by this global trash issue, I decided to make my studies using materials I would and other people would normally throw away. I went to various restaurants and collected bills that they would normally throw away. I also went to some more shops and collected things such as product packaging they do not require, collected fabric scraps. I created collages using these things. I also used old ziplock bags and plastic bags as the base for my collages. 

I really wanted to use water bottles, hence I ended up collecting water bottles. I cut them up and created small petal-like shapes whose edges I burned using a lighter, which melted the edge and they curled giving a petal shape. I glued multiple of these together to create a flower. I created multiple of these and stuck them on to fabric, I painted the fabric and collaged more. 

         I turned all of my studies into illustrations which I went on to make prints from, I got a variety of very interesting prints that I would love to further develop and use them for different things. 


Screen Printing